Conference on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Armed Conflicts. An adequate response to contemporary challenges?
Mon, 30-09-2013; 00:00 hasta Tue, 01-10-2013; 00:00
Otras sedes
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. Lund (Suecia)
The purpose of this Conference is to create a forum for discussion between leading scholars and practitioners in order to discuss and reflect, about some of the challenges posed by contemporary armed conflicts to the implementation of IHL. It will combine roundtable discussions and public lectures delivered by leading experts in the field.
Brígida Pastor (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC) will deliver the paper “Masculinity and children in post-war conflict” which emerges from her Plan Nacional I+D (FFI2012-39645), awarded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad as Main Investigator. The presentation is placed within the roundtable session on “Sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflicts”. She will liaise with other leading experts in the field:
- Former Minister of Social Welfare if Ecuador and President of the Ecuadorian Supreme Court for Children and Juvenile.
- Judge of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo.
- Former UN Special Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict.
- Deputy State Prosecutor at the Special International Office of Denmark.
- Former UN Special Representative of the Secretary General for East Timor.
- Policy Officer of the Under-Secretary General, UN.
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is a centre of excellence and a value driven organization which integrates four core values: Respect, Integrity, Inclusiveness and Inspiration. It is one of the largest human institutions in the world and engages in various education, research and publication activities. The Institute combines academic programmes with an extensive international human rights capacity development programme, mainly for academic institutions, law enforcement and criminal justice institutions, and national human rights institutions. This combination provides a unique platform where theory and practice can meet and interact in order to further the development and application of international human rights law.

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