FonHispania 2012. Speech Perception and Speaker Identification
Wed, 08-08-2012; 00:00 hasta Thu, 09-08-2012; 00:00
Otras sedes
Paraninfo de la Magdalena, Univ. Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP), Santander (Cantabria)
FonHispania consists of a series of academic presentations and has taken place annually through the organization of the Phonetics Laboratory at the CSIC since 2009. Each year a different subject is discussed by prominent specialists within the elected field. This year FonHispania 2012 will take place as a satellite session of the IAFPA Conference and will focus on “Speech Perception and Speaker Identification,” a theme of great interest to those involved with forensic phonetics or with speech perception in general. The session will take place August 8th through the 9th following the IAFPA meeting.

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