Sesión Extraordinaria del Seminario de Lingüística Teórica LyCC: "Plurality and Referentiality"

Wed, 10-04-2013; 00:00
16:00h., Sala María Moliner 1F
Por: Scott Grimm (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Instances of a noun’s plural form which appear to include reference to singular entities, as in (1), have long been puzzling. Based on such examples, many researchers have argued that the semantic form of plural nouns is inclusive, designating ‘one or more’ (including atomic entities), rather than exclusive, i.e. ‘more than one’. Sauerland et al. (2005) further relate the inclusive reading to downward-entailing (DE) environments, claiming number “marking on indefinites in a downward entailing environment does not affect truth conditions”.
Sesión Extraordinaria del Seminario de Lingüística Teórica LyCC: "Plurality and Referentiality"
Cartel254.44 KB
Abstract LyCC22.73 KB