Margarita del
Olmo Pintado

Redes sociales
I am an anthropologist working as a Senior Scientist at CSIC. My main field of interest is racism and racism education. I have carried out fieldwork on the Canadian Reservation System, Argentinian Exiles to Spain, Cultural Identity, Migration and Integration in Spain, Spanish Converts to Islam, Intercultural Education, Integration of Migrant Students into the School System of the Community of Madrid, School dropouts. In the last years, my research has been focused on School Dropout Prevention Programs, aiming at improving them for students. Currently, I am starting a research project on a new topic: sexism and ageism from an intersectional perspective.
I have been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, and a visiting professor also at Harvard University, York University of Toronto, UC Berkeley, The University of Western Cape in South Africa, The University of Vienna, The Austrian Academy of Sciences, and The Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.
I am a member of the INTER Group at the UNED. I am also a member of Grupo AFIN, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Grupo Almargen, Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas”, Esmeraldas (Equator)
Most of my work -published and unpublished- is available at Digital CSIC
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