Violeta Demonte (ILLA) y Louise McNally coeditoras del libro "Telicity, Change, and State. A Cross-Categorial View of Event Structure"
This volume presents new work by leading researchers on central themes in the study of event structure: the nature and representation of telicity, change, and the notion of state. The book advances our understanding of these aspects of event structure by combining foundational semantic research with a series of case studies from a variety of languages.
The book begins with an overview of the theoretical issues central to the volume, along with a brief presentation of the remaining chapters and the points of contact between them. The chapters, developed within several different theoretical perspectives, promote cross-theory as well as cross-linguistic comparison.
The book begins with an overview of the theoretical issues central to the volume, along with a brief presentation of the remaining chapters and the points of contact between them. The chapters, developed within several different theoretical perspectives, promote cross-theory as well as cross-linguistic comparison.
Edited by Violeta Demonte (ILLA-CCHS, CSIC) and Louise McNally.
Portada libro91.56 KB
Introduction108.96 KB
Cambio, variación y cognición en el lenguaje (*)